Monday, April 1, 2019

April 1, 2019 3:05-4:05

Today I came to class city from 3:05-4:05. For the first half, I was able to work in London's class where they were reading Edgar Allen Poe, one of my favorites. They watched a video of a reading of "The Raven" and then a satire video of The Simpsons and "The Raven". They explored ideas of imagery, themes, and elements of darkness and horror. Then, we all played Kahoot. After the day ended, I went into the after-school program but no one was really there so unfortunately I wasn't able to help that many students so I think going earlier in the day will be better so I can benefit the students more.

The structure of the school is very different. The more I go into the school and observe and mentor, the more I realize how different their school system and structure is compared to my own high school. Often time when I go to volunteer, different students are there and they seem to almost "come and go" as they please. Many times students are missing which makes me wonder what the school's attendance policy is and how flexible it is. I have passed the "halfway" mark with my hours and I am excited to continue tutoring and see what else I can observe and learn, all of which will guide me to becoming the best teacher I can be in the future.

*all names have been altered for purposes of privacy

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Over my 15 hours and many months of tutoring at Classic City High I learned tons:  1. You can't help every student  Some students you...