Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Over my 15 hours and many months of tutoring at Classic City High I learned tons: 

1. You can't help every student 
Some students you encounter may not want help. They may not need it or they may simply think they don't need to do the work. It is important to understand that you can keep trying, but not every student will be cooperative. The best we can do is try and do our best and hope it rubs off.
2. No two students learn the same 
I learned that just because something worked on some student (like a certain technique or approach) does not mean it will work on every student
3. You will have really good days and really bad days
Some days at Classic City High I quickly realized were not good days. Students could be rude, uncooperative, and not wanting to do their work. This left me with little to do and little ways to help.  However, I also realized good days were really good. The good days consisted of me being able to help a student, seeing this student excited about understanding something, and having this student accomplish a goal of theirs or assignment.
4. Not every high school will want to/can go to college 
Something I thought in high school and that I have thought for quite some time is that every student wants to go to college. While not every student may be able to got to college- whether this be because of personal or financial issues- I still thought every student still wanted to go to school. When tutoring at Classic City High I realized this is not the plan for everyone.
5. Teaching (or tutoring in this case) is a rewarding experience 
While some days felt long and tedious, nothing compares to having a great teaching relationship with a student and seeing that they are learning and gaining something from this experience. To be able to help others learn and understand is the main goal of teaching and why I wanted to become a teacher. This experience was rewarding because I was able to watch this come into effect.


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Over my 15 hours and many months of tutoring at Classic City High I learned tons:  1. You can't help every student  Some students you...