Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April 16, 2019: 11:14-12:14

Today I went to Mrs. J's class again. They were only five-six students in the classroom, two of which were working on an online reading assignment. Mrs. J gave me the short story "Miss Brill" to read. The students were working on plot diagram so I worked with them on figuring out the rising action, exposition, climax, etc of the story. Most of the students hadn't read the story yet which was frustrating in itself. A lot of the students here have amazing potential, but lack the motivation to do so which as a tutor is frustrating but I can't even imagine how frustrating that must be as a teacher. I think as a teacher I need to learn how to motivate my students without pushing them too hard. Mrs. J does a good job of instructing her students and giving them clear directions, but I can often see how they ignore her such as today when they did not read the story.

It was a relatively quiet day. I only have about two weeks left at Classic City and I am going to miss my time there. I have been able to experience one-on-one tutoring and gone close to the kids by learning about their lives and sharing our experiences together. I am glad that I have been able to experience hands-on tutoring in an actual high school. Before this year, I had tutored a little bit but it was always one on one. But this experience did a lot more to prepare me for what my future career may be like which is exciting. 

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Over my 15 hours and many months of tutoring at Classic City High I learned tons:  1. You can't help every student  Some students you...