Thursday, March 28, 2019

March 28, 2019: 1:00-2:00

Today I went to Jones class, but a little earlier than the time I usually do. I usually try to go around 2:00-3:00ish, which is when Mrs. Johns tells me she needs the most time. However, today I had to come in earlier than usual. Another girl in my class, a sophomore like myself, was there as well so it worked out very smoothly and nicely. We were able to simultaniesouly help the first student, Jay, with his business homework by helping him look up terms and compound his ideas together.

Halfway through the class period, we moved onto to math and helped Emma and Audrey with their math homework. Although not my strength, I helped them with factorials and Algebra 2. As I begin to tutor more, I have gotten closer with my students and been able to facilitate a fun learning environment. More so we are moving away from the typical conversations of "whats your favorite color" or "what is your favorite subject" and instead talking about topics with more depth. This is very exciting because I feel as if I am making progress with the students and actually making a difference.

Today was a good day because I got to talk to students, while also helping them with their work. It is important as a teacher, I have learned, to not only focus on schoolwork because this will only distance students. It is important to also create relationships with students because this in turn can help motivate them to try and do well in school because they will feel you are more approachable as a teacher,.

*all names have been altered for purposes of privacy

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

March 21, 2019 2:30-3:30

Today I volunteer at Classic City High at 2:30-3:30. I was in Ms. Johns class, the English teacher. This is the class I typically am assigned to. However, each time I go different studies are there.
Today I was assigned to help Jay. Jay was working on an English paper about Fidel Castro. However, I noticed Jay had a huge lack of motivation. He told me his closest friend was out today and he had no one to hang out with. I tried my best over several attempts to get Jay to engage in his paper and helped him outline his thesis and introduction, but I understood I was not the teacher and if he did not want to work on it there was nothing I could do to motivate him (hence I could not discipline him).

Jay asked me several questions about myself- such as where I went to college, what I did in college. I realized he did not have plans for college and was more interested in the social aspects of a university. Something that dawned on me- something that I had not realized during my own experience in high school- was that college is not the plan for everyone. I think I am naive because at my high school it was typical that every student went to college. But when I become a teacher I can not think this way because not every student will want to go to college. It is important to provide resources and teach in a way that can apply to all students, including the students who may not want to attend college after high school.

*all names have been altered for purposes of privacy

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

March 5, 2019: 12:54-1:54

Today I went to classic city high around 1 and stayed until 2. This was third period for the students and I was assigned to Jones class again. Some of the students were working on lit, American history, and electives. Mrs. Jones informed me that there are only two elective options at Classic City High: foreign language and business. She said there used to be psychology there, but the program was taken away due to the difficulty and lack of students. I was helping with a kid, and for privacy purposes, I will call him Jay. Jay was working on a business portfolio online, which was the elective he had chosen. I noticed that on one of the questions we worked on, it stated to write 5 sentences about your business plan. Jay had only written one and when I noticed stated "oh it doesn't matter". This attitude I found common in many students in the classroom- where their goals were to complete assignments fast and get them done to turn in rather than have extensive responses. This is important to note- this is a trend seen in many high schools- especially public ones- lately. Where the goal is work, work, work, work and just get things done regardless of quality.

I think this is important to note that a lot of these students are so concnered with finishing the work presented to them that they often forget about the reason that they're in school: to learn. I wonder if this idea of having to just turn in work regardless of quality has been engraved in their brain because of the public school system. Especially with standard tests, I know from our readings and some of the group presentations that teachers and schools are drilled to do well on standard tests regardless of if it relates to the teacher's plans for the classroom.

*all names have been altered for purposes of privacy


Over my 15 hours and many months of tutoring at Classic City High I learned tons:  1. You can't help every student  Some students you...