Tuesday, February 26, 2019

February 26, 2019: 3:40-5:40

Today I decided to go into the after-school tutoring session program, as I think this program will allow me to work with students in a small group and setting and therefore work with them closer. Today I entered the school at 3:40 and stayed for two hours. Even though I have only been to Classic City High twice now I have noticed a lot about the school already. The school is for children wanting to come back to school to get their diploma, whether they have left their current high school for this one or dropped out and are now coming back. My first session I met a young woman who was working on her own novel and stated that she had wanted to be an English major if she had went to college. I didn't push her any further but it made me wonder- How many students in this school want to go to college? And is it financial security stopping them from doing this?

Regarding today, I went downstairs to the classroom that is associated with the after-school program. Their after school program runs from 3:40-5:40 M-TH and offers student who needs extra homework help or simply a place to wait and stay at the school. One student I helped with today needed help with her American history assignment. She didn't know how to spell most words I was saying aloud, which made me wonder what past English teachers she had and what they had taught her. The more I work at Classic City High the more I wonder if the public school education system, specially in Clarke County, has failed them. She also stated she had been gone for the past month, however I did not ask her why. For privacy purposes, I will not state the young girl's name in respect to her.

Overall, I think today's experience went better than last week's. I am still not super comfortable at the school, mostly because I do not know the students that well and also do not know the teachers, faculty, and building that well. However I think as I tutor more and get to know the students I will get more comfortable and be able to better help these students.

*all names have been altered for purposes of privacy

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Over my 15 hours and many months of tutoring at Classic City High I learned tons:  1. You can't help every student  Some students you...